The 'Bloomdaddy Show' Makes Debut Today at 3pm On WTAM 1100

Longtime broadcaster David 'Bloomdaddy' Blomquist makes his debut this afternoon on Newsradio WTAM 1100. 'Bloomdaddy' has been the morning host on WWVA in Wheeling, West Virginia for the past seventeen years, seeing his show grow into syndication in Pittsburgh, Youngstown, Akron and Parkersburg, WV.

The 'Bloomdaddy Show' will feature Cleveland issues as well as issues domestically and globally while offering a variety of guests on a number of topics weekly. Today's show will feature oil and gas expert Jay Young, WTAM 1100 aviation expert Jay Ratfliff and the crew will also discuss the snow removal efforts over the weekend in Cleveland which were less than adequate in many parts of the city following Thursday and Friday's snow storm.

Tune in today to hear the debut edition of the 'Bloomdaddy Show' and get to know your new 3pm to 7pm host 'Bloomdaddy' featuring Carmen Angelo, Julie Holiday on news and Olivia on traffic.

Listen to Bloomdaddy weekdays 3pm to 7pm at

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