England's New Prime Minister A Browns Fan?

(Cleveland) - Here's something that you may not have expected to see. On her Twitter page, new British Prime Minister Liz Truss posted a photo of herself, standing in a luxury box at FirstEnergy stadium, holding a hot dog, and wearing a Browns jersey.

According to Cleveland.com, the story behind the photo is that it was taken September 20, 2018. Truss, who was at the time Chief Secretary to the Treasury, was the guest of the NFL and Browns owner Dee Haslam. The two women had exchanged jerseys, with Truss giving Haslam the jersey of her favorite soccer club, Norwich City FC. Truss was exploring the possibility of London getting its own NFL team.

Truss may be a good luck charm for the Browns. The photo was taken at the game against the New York Jets, which ended the Browns' winless streak at 19.

(Photo by Getty Images)

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