John Johnson III Meets with the Media

(Photo by Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images)

On why he decided to participate in this week’s OTAs:

“I am the new guy now so just a new defense and new scheme. It is one thing to study it on film and on paper, but I wanted to get out here, get with the guys and actually see it on the field just to get more comfortable before minicamp.”

On how the Browns defense looks:

“It is looking good. Everybody is getting comfortable. Surprisingly, pretty clean for the early stages. I know a couple of guys it is their first week, as well. It is pretty clean, it is going well and it is moving in the right direction.”

On being a vocal leader throughout his career and if it is easy for him to do because that is just who he is as a person:

“I think so. It is coming around. The first day, I kind of was surveying, scanning and just feeling guys out. I feel more comfortable now just talking and making my presence felt. It will come as we move along. Yeah, I think it is just natural and my personality. I love talking, talking trash and competing. I am just out there having fun, and it has paid off.”

On building a relationship with Ss Grant Delpit and Ronnie Harrison Jr. and how Delpit has looked in practice after returning from injury:

“First impression, extremely smart guys – intellectual, football IQ is very high and that is how I think I play. We will get along very well. Grant is coming back. I have heard nothing but great things. He is working hard to get back. He is moving around out there and looks good. Kind of slowly easing him in, but I think we should be full tilt going into training camp. I am looking forward to it.”

On advice for CB Greedy Williams while continuing to come back from the shoulder injury:

“Just attack each day and each rep one at a time and continue to get better. He is a natural talent so if he really locks in on just getting better and working on the things that he does not do so well, which are not many things, just each rep each day one at a time, do not get ahead of yourself and just get one percent better each day, he will be a tremendous player for a long time.”

On if it is too early to project the Browns’ defensive schemes and personnel for the season, particularly as it relates to how often defensive coordinator Joe Woods may use three-safety formations:

“I think it is a little early and a little premature. Once we get into game planning, I think it will be different every week, honestly. We have three guys who can go and play and that you know can play, and it is easy to create schemes, create blitzes and create patterns and coverages that we can all play and match up against different people. I think during the season is when it will really take full effect. Right now, I think it is just moving around and playing different spots, not just the safeties but nickels, corners and dime linebackers just to see how well we move and stuff like that. During the season, it will probably get exotic.”

On the Browns making several more defensive acquisitions in free agency and the draft following his signing:

“It was definitely, I feel like, a defensive-heavy vibe. I do not know if that is what it is on paper, but that is the vibe that I got. I think it is good. You have to attack the things that you thought you lacked on in the past and the previous season. Apparently, that was the defensive side and a few things. I know certain third downs and certain distances we were not so well at. Fourth down we had to get better. In the red zone, we had to get better. Bringing the guys in who you know can do it and you have seen them do it, especially like (DE Jadeveon) Clowney and (CB) Troy Hill, it is on tape. Bring guys in who you know can play and help a culture of a team, it is awesome. I think that is what the Browns were attacking.”

On if there is a concern it may take a while for the Browns defense to gel and get comfortable with the number of new players on that side of the ball:

“I do not think it is a concern, but it is definitely something that you have to be proactive about. That is why a couple of the guys came this week to stay on top of things before minicamp, and then going into training camp, we will be firing and more comfortable, and we can build that foundation so we can actually start working on this beautiful house that we are about to build.”

On his vibe for the potential of the Browns defense, specifically given his time with the LA Rams No. 1 defense last season:

“That is a great question. The schemes, they are always going to be different. All of them work, and the No. 1 thing is the players. It has always been about the players. Walking into this building, we have the players to do that and get to that level. Even the guys here now – I know some guys are still missing or they are gone for the week – we have the guys on paper to do it. It is really just going out there, practicing, becoming great at what we do and being technicians. I think the sky is the limit. I have seen some things ranking and projecting that we will be a great defense, but we are going to put the work in and keep building. I think the sky is the limit for us.”

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