(Cleveland) - The FBI and Cleveland Police are looking for the man who held up a teller at the PNC Bank at 10900 Lorain Avenue at about 1:10 p.m. Tuesday.
The FBI says the man walked into the bank, approached a teller line, and waited to be assisted by a bank teller, when he got to the teller window, he said, "Don't give me any bait or dye packs or I'll shoot your head off, hurry up and give me the money." The teller complied, giving the man money. The teller never saw a gun.
The man took the money and ran out the back door of the bank. PNC employees say he ran toward West 117th Street.
shirt with orange writing on it. He wore a white surgical mask, and light blue jeans.
leading to the arrest and prosecution of this man. You can call the FBI, Cleveland Police, or Crimestoppers at 216-25-CRIME.
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