Sheriff: Car Thefts Increasing in Lake County

(Painesville) - The Lake County Sheriff's Office says that over the last few weeks, there has been an increase in vehicle thefts, both from car dealers, and from homes.

The most recent one happened Friday mornign on Concord Hambden Rd. in Concord Township. The owner had left the keys in the vehicle, and it was stolen about 5 a.m. The vehicle was seen by a patrol unit on I-90, but the pursuit was stopped because of heavy traffic, and speeds reaching over 100 MPH.

Earlier Friday morning, another vehicle had been stolen from a home's driveway in Madison. The keys had been left in that vehicle as well.

Sheriff Frank Leonbruno says that in each of these cases, keys were left in unlocked vehicles, and the thefts happened between 3 and 7 a.m. The sheriff is asking that you make sure you lock your vehicle, and don't leave keys inside, as that makes your vehicle an easy target.

(Copyright 2020, iHeartMedia)

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