Cleveland - Two Cleveland homes damaged overnight when a vehicle lost control and crashed into them.
It happened around 1:30 am Monday on Archwood Avenue near Fulton Road.
"I was up watching TV because I couldn't sleep, then I just heard a loud bump," says Juanita, who lives in one of the homes struck. "It just sounded like a storm was passing through the area."
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The driver of the car, a man, was questioned before being taken to the hospital with unknown injuries. Juanita also tells us a female passenger and dog were inside the car with him. There condition not known at this time.
"We were lucky it happened in the middle of the night, because if it happened during the day kids play out here and someone could have been killed," says Willy, who lives in the other house that had a hole punched into it after the car reportedly went airborne over and through Juanita's porch. Willy also grateful things didn't end up worse. "If it wasn't for the porch, he might have been in my living room. So it was a good thing that stopped him."
Photos by: Kyle Cornell / WTAM 1100
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