70s TV Host "The Ghoul" Has Died

(Cleveland) - One of Cleveland TV's most iconic personalities from the 1970s is dead.

Ron Sweed, otherwise known as "The Ghoul," died Monday from complications from a heart attack. He was 70. Sweed's death was reported by his ex-wife on her Facebook page.

Sweed got into TV as an assistant to Ernie Anderson, who played Ghoulardi during the 1960s on Channel 8. Starting in 1971, Sweed got Anderson's permission to create a similar character for a show on Channel 61. Like Ghoulardi, The Ghoul showed cheap horror movies, while doing outrageous bits in character during breaks in the movie.

During its height in popularity, The Ghoul was seen in six other cities, and was extremely popular in Detroit.

(Photo from You Tube Video)

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