No Matter Who Comes Out On Top, Bipartisanship Will Lose

Listen To Geraldo In Cleveland, weekdays from 9-10am on Newsradio WTAM 1100, also on 106.9 on the FM Dial.

As the shutdown goes into Day 19, President Trump took to the airwaves to state his case for a border wall on the US/Mexican Border. Between the President's remarks and the Democratic response, not much new was said. Both sides reiterated their positions on why a wall would, or would not be, critical to national security.

The tragic part is that because both sides are drawing their individual lines in the sand, no one has any room to compromise. 

If the inability to come to a compromise is literally crippling the government, the hostility towards anyone who even suggests one is destructive. If no one is willing to cross the isle, there is absolutely no chance of the government reopening or a border wall being built.

This "With Us, Or Against Us" attitude is preventing anyone who sits in the middle of the road to voice their opinion.

Maybe it's up to a new generation of lawmakers to use their youthful energy and passion to get this country though was is now the second longest shutdown in American history.

Listen To Geraldo's Roadkill podcast on or on the iheartradio app. This week, Geraldo looks at the Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán case.

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