Eight-year-old Cleveland boy finds body

Reese Avenue murder Cleveland

(Cleveland) - Investigators are searching for clues in an apparent murder on the city's east side.  

Police officers were called yesterday to Reese Road, on the city's northeast side, after an eight-year-old boy found a man's body outside his family's home. Detectives believes the man likely died of a gunshot wound. 

Dejenaba Lockett says the her 8 year old son is doing alright despite finding the body in her driveway while taking out the trash. 

Mrs. Lockett's other 3 children were inside the house at the time. 

There were blood stains on the pavement and on Lockett's vehicle. She says her son was shaken, but did not cry. 

Lockett is seeking counseling for all her children. 

Lockett says she did not know the victim, who apparently shot in the chest, and even though it was a gruesome discovery she said a prayer for him and his family as police were arriving. 

While investigators were examining the body, Lockett admits she was startled when a cell phone in the victim's pocket began to ring. She assumes it may have been the young man's mother. 

Neighbor William Myer heard the shots Sunday morning, and feared something had happened to the Locketts. 

He is relieved the family was unharmed, but Myer is saddened that the 8 year old was thrust into the tragedy.

(Photos by Ken Robinson/WTAM)

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