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Led Zeppelin’s Final Show in Denmark 1979 - Unseen footage-Super 8 Film

Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Sneaking a camera into a Led Zeppelin concert more than 40 years ago has resulted in previously unseen footage appearing online. A Zeppelin fan named Lennart Ström said he brought a Super Eight camera to the band's show in Copenhagen, Denmark in July 1979 and up until recently, 13 minutes of concert footage sat in a drawer for decades. Rather than 13 straight minutes of Led Zeppelin performing, the footage shows brief clips of more than a dozen songs. The footage includes portions of two songs, "Hot Dog" and "In the Evening," that were on the album "In Through the Out Door," which was released a month after the concert. It was the band’s last ever show in Denmark. The video can be seen on the ledzepfilm YouTube channel.

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