In Roseville, California, 22-year-old Tommy Piluyev has filed suit against Starbucks saying the hot tea he ordered from a Starbucks drive-thru spilled all over him and scalded his genitals. So he's going after Starbucks and Pactiv Packaging, the company that makes Starbucks' cups and lids.
Tommy ordered two 16-ounce cups of Honey Citrus Mint Tea and says as the worker handed him his order, a lid on one of the cups "dislodged," and the steaming drink "poured onto Tommy's hands, stomach, and pelvic area."
According to the complaint, Tommy then sped away, pulled into a parking lot, and yanked his pants off. In the ER, he was found to have "partial-thickness burns with blistering" across the lower left abdomen, thighs, buttocks and his private parts. He spent 11 days at UC Davis Medical Center's burn unit.
Five months later, he still wasn't able to play the piano anymore, as nearly all of his fingers were scalded. Perhaps worse, though, is that, according to the lawsuit, the "sensitivity and permanent skin discoloration and disfigurement of Mr. Piluyev's genitals and inner thighs made eventual intimacy awkward and painful.
"His attorney, who says Starbucks knew there were at least 80 complaints per day of lids popping off cups, adds his client, who's been married since before the accident, will also need future plastic surgery.
(Photo credit Kena Betancur/AFP via Getty Images)