The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Crenshaw vs Tucker: Navy SEALS Shouldn't Threaten to Harm U.S. Citizens

Rep. Dan Crenshaw was recently caught on a hot mic saying he would “kill” Tucker Carlson if he ever met him. But was Crenshaw just being hyperbolic? Glenn argues that either way, we shouldn’t brush this off: “That’s not something I want to hear from a former Navy SEAL or a Congressman…who knows the gravity and who knows how to kill people.” This is not just a reckless statement, Glenn says. “It’s obscene,” and a strong reason for the House Ethics Committee to look into Crenshaw.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I don't know if you saw, but Dan Crenshaw was doing an interview with GB News. Great Britain News. And afterwards, he was talking about, yeah. We could play it.

But you're not really going to understand.

Go ahead and play a little bit of it.


Yeah. We've talked a lot. On Twitter. If I ever met him, I would F-ing kill him.

He's the worst person in the -- and the guy says, the interviewer says, now they're off-mic. They're finished with the interview. The interviewer says, yeah. Funny.

No. I mean it, I would kill him.

Okay. I don't know about you. But that's not something I want to hear from a former Navy SEAL or a Congressman.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: I mean, somebody who knows the gravity, and knows how to kill people. You know, I suggest we don't brush this off from Dan Crenshaw.

And it's not about parties or party lines.

It's about a Congressman, threatening to murder a private citizen, who is just asking questions of the congressman.

You know, I don't threaten to kill people on CNN.

Nor should I.

That's just wrong. Love him or hate him. Tucker Carlson.

He's not an enemy combatant. And you're no longer a Navy SEAL. For him to say that he's going to kill him. No, I mean it, I'll kill him.

It's not just reckless, it's obscene. For a guy like that to wield those words so casually. I think it's -- and it's not an isolated outburst. This guy. I mean, we kind of know who Crenshaw is. At first, at least I did. I kind of liked him. Oh, this guy is going to be -- he's going to go in there with the eye patch. And he will make sure, he's not doing that. He's not a conservative. He's a big state advocate. He's a war hawk. He's a player in the globalist agenda. Like the World Economic Forum.

And ESG policies.

You know, is he serving Texas?

I don't think so.

Start with his love for centralized power. Is that Texas?

Texas. I don't think so.

His voting record, clashes with the limited government ideals, that, you know, conservatives actually hold dear.

He's a defender of the national security state. Backing surveillance and military overreach. Every time. In 2021. He opposed the warrant requirement for government access to data.

Your data, under section 702 of FISA.

It's not a fluke! This is not just a one-off.

He always trusts the elite over our Fourth Amendment rights.

That's not conservative. That's a statist. You know, and he's cozying up to ESG. And WEF priorities. You know, he -- I did a podcast with him once. And he said, oh, I don't really pay attention to -- ESG. WEF. I don't really know what that is. Really? Don't you? Of course he does. He hasn't openly praised the World Economic Forum, but everything he does and says lines up with them. In 2020, he cosponsored a carbon tax bill. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.

Oh. It's a dividend, that sounds good.

He's also not met a war he doesn't like and wants us to get into. And now this. I mean, I think we need to demand accountability. I think you should send a letter in to your congressman. And the House ethics committee. I think they should probe this threat! You know, in 2026, you have a shot to replace him with somebody who actually fights for the values. You know, not Wall Street. Or war profiteers. But somebody who actually, you know, fights for the things. And is tough on the things that you want them to be tough.

You know, not saying he's going to kill Tucker Carlson.

STU: Yeah. And, you know, look, I don't -- it's funny. Because it's not going to kill Tucker Carlson, I don't think.

I'm not worried about it.

GLENN: I don't know. I mean, tonight like the fact --

STU: I understand what you're saying. The guy has obviously been trained in these skills.

GLENN: He's a Congressman. You just don't say that.

When the person laughs. You can laugh with him.

STU: Right.

GLENN: You don't double down and say, no. I mean it. I'll kill him.

STU: And the other part of it, he's supposed to be. The media will tell us, he's the balanced one. And Tucker Carlson is always saying crazy things. And he is the one who is -- he's the sensible one of the two.

GLENN: And that's one reason why you know, he's on the wrong side.

If the media is like, oh, he just gets it. Oh, he's just -- he's so -- he's so common sense.

And, I mean, yeah, sure, he's a Republican, but he's a Republican, we can live with. You know he's in bed with all the things that we want for America. So anyway, how -- House ethics. What do you say? Anybody. Anybody?


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