The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Glenn: What I think happened during the Paul Pelosi attack

Details surrounding the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul, are murky. There’s still a LOT we don’t know about how it happened, why it happened, and who his attacker — David DePape — truly is. So, in this clip, Glenn details everything we do know so far and the questions that must be answered. Plus, Glenn gives his own theory as to what happened inside that San Francisco home…

TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Here's a recap for what we know kind of so far. This is the things that have been reported. And I'm not sure we're sure of all of this.

May 20, 2022. Paul Pelosi was in a DUI car crash.

The passenger air bag goes off, even though he was alone. We don't know why. I don't know if that's usual. He pleads guilty on the 23rd of August. On the 24th, there was some random schizo posting that started on a blog, that had been dormant on a blog for 15 years. On September 8th, the -- I think it's friendly friends site, is registered in the name of DePape. He's a hippie, but we'll get into that in a minute.

On September 8th, the site is registering in his name. However, there are no posts. On October 24th, loads of posts are made, on the website.

While posted in October, they're titled February, to make it seem like they were much older.

Then on October 28th, 4 days later, at 2:27 a.m. the police arrived at the Pelosi residence for a welfare check.

Now, this is what they said, at first. Someone opened the door. A third person opened the door for the police. However, they have said, no. That is a mistake. There was no other person in the house, except those two.

The glass door is also busted. It appears to be busted from the inside. I mean, I watched enough Colombo. Excuse me, sir. One more thing. Wouldn't the glass be on the inside of the door, and not the outside of the door. But we don't know what kind of glass it was, we have no idea.

Pelosi and DePape were inside in their underwear. Now, this too has been changed. Nobody was in their underwear. Now, I would -- I mean, DePape. I mean, Pelosi, he's, what? Eighty-five, 2 o'clock in the morning. I would expect him to be in his jammies or underpants. You know DePape in his underpants is a little weird. But now police say, nobody in their underpants. I think if you saw either one in your underpants, you would be very clear, they were in their underpants.

STU: For the rest of your life.


Pelosi has a hammer. And when the police arrive, DePape manages to take the hammer from Pelosi, and bashes his head multiple times.

All of that happens while the police are there. So while pulping Paul Pelosi, DePape repeatedly says, where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?

Police take him into custody.

The media and the Democrats immediately point to the schizo blog and say, he's a far-right terrorist. Street view images from DePape's home show BLM signs and a Bernie sign. The home is referred to by as a neighbor, as a hippie collective. In fact, we have audio from a neighbor, who is quite clear on who this guy was.

Cut one.

VOICE: Our vehicle was out of commission. I was locking paths. And his son was a small little girl. And he was on the bus. And the little girl --

GLENN: Stop for a second. Please.

We'll take this piece by piece.

His little girl. I'm sorry. His little boy, who was dressed as a girl, was on the bus.

I just want to -- just keep track of all of the things, that you're like, oh, you're clearly. Clearly a conservative.

All right. Go ahead.

VOICE: Bus. And the little girl and the son were walking away from the bus, and the guy remained on the bus.

And that's when I recognized his face. That's the only time I saw his face, was within the last month or so. Or a couple of weeks.

VOICE: Do you know about how long you stayed during that --

VOICE: No. No. We tried to avoid them at all costs, until they bother us.

VOICE: Okay. But so the last time you saw him was a couple months ago. And he was here for a few days?

VOICE: Yeah. Yes.

VOICE: Okay. Anything strange about him? Or anything that stood out?

VOICE: There's something strange about the whole household. The entire household is very, very strange.

VOICE: How about him?

VOICE: He is birds of a feather with -- akin to them. So they are just, you know, nudist drug abusers, and that's who gravitates towards them.

GLENN: Okay. Stop for a second. How many times, Stu, at the GOP meetings you've been to, where it's been attended by all those nudists and drug users.

STU: I know CPAC has that part of --

GLENN: The nudist drug user.

STU: Big part of their --

GLENN: It's trouble when they get those two together.

STU: They are usually right near each other, but they do try to keep them separate.

GLENN: Yeah. And these are usually the people that just to throw people off, have a rainbow flag in the front yard and a BLM sign on their front window.

STU: A lot of hard-core conservatives have that profile.

GLENN: Yeah. A lot of times.

STU: That's just the way it goes.

GLENN: All right. Go ahead. Next.

VOICE: They seem to be underage. Or under 18.

VOICE: I'm not sure how old they are.

VOICE: What would you say their politics are?

VOICE: I'm not sure. I would imagine they're more left-leaning because of their support for support for the gay community and/or -- I'm sorry, for other people.

But it is -- now, I'm not sure what way --

GLENN: Okay. Stop for a second. Look at how she's hesitating. She's calculating the whole time.

STU: She's calculating the whole time.

GLENN: Because of the rainbow flag. Okay. And the BLM sign. So it becomes a gay community, and others.

STU: Right. She couldn't figure out how to say it.

GLENN: She couldn't say it.

STU: And, by the way, what would you say her ethnicity is?

GLENN: White Hispanic.

STU: It doesn't look like the typical white Karen that is next door, upset about the --

GLENN: No, no. She talks about her partner. And I think she says, pretty much everybody in the neighborhood is a lefty.

STU: Yes. And, of course, that's true.

GLENN: Yeah. San Francisco.

All right.

VOICE: Any signs of anti-Semitism?

VOICE: You know they're completely unhinged. So I wouldn't be surprised at all.

GLENN: Completely unhinged.

VOICE: Nothing that they believe in, aligns with their actions. So they'll say that they are pro-black lives. And then they'll call the police on black people. And so -- they don't stand by -- their actions don't stand by --

STU: Just so you know, this is not mutually exclusive. You can actually think a black person is committing a crime, and still be in favor of Black Lives. But I think I get what she's going with it.

GLENN: It's like, Glenn, George Soros is white. Oh, crap.

I should forget about whatever I said about George Soros. Go ahead.

VOICE: And some psychotic behavior too?

VOICE: Yeah. Yeah. It's never changed, how they've acted.

VOICE: David acted the same way?

VOICE: From what I saw of him, he -- he's never approached me or my partner at all. But I have just seen him helping out around the house with yardwork, and then I saw him living on the bus. I've never even heard him speak.

VOICE: Did you know his name, or did you just recognize his picture?

VOICE: I didn't recognize his name, but I also don't know the name of the kids either.

VOICE: And you just recognize his picture?

VOICE: Yes. Yeah.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: Okay. So that's who the neighbor says he is. Now, there's a few questions, that have to be answered here.

How did he get into the house?

How did he get into the house?

Did he get into the house through the back door, and did he break it? And is that what Paul first heard? Is this a failure of the Capitol Police?

Remember, she's under Capitol Police protection. Which, because he's third in line for the presidency. God help us all. Can you imagine how bad the country would be, if we have Joe Biden, and then it would go to Kamala. And then she gets sick. And dies.

And we have Nancy Pelosi.

Do we even survive that? Anyway, because she's third in line, she has not only capital police, but she's increased in service. Do you remember when we were in George W. Bush's house, and remember they had the sensors on the ground?

They could tell where feet were. It was like a little mini earthquake detector almost. They positioned them all through the yard, so they could see -- or they could hear and see, where people were, on the grounds.

She apparently has that. If she doesn't, then somebody told them not to have that. But that's the kind of security, that number three position has.

So we know, because we've seen photos, this weekend, of video cameras. These are high -- this is government. This isn't like local security.

This isn't like, you know what, I'm just going door-to-door, selling burglar alarms. This was done by the government.

So let's see the tapes. Let's see the tapes. How did the guy get in?

Why have we not seen those tapes? Why haven't we -- why don't we see the vest cameras? From the police?

We --

STU: And it's only been a couple of days. That would be the excuse there.

GLENN: No. I know that. I know that.

Here's what bothers me. The security.

STU: Yeah. Because you mentioned. This is not just some private security.

Well, there's been reports, that they also had that. That the neighborhood came together, to pay for group security for this area. Because they're also rich. And they live in a town, where crime is rampant, because of their policies. So they've paid for private security, to help assist in this area, just in case, and patrol it all the time. So if that's true, and there's been multiple reports to that effect.

So this guy somehow evaded private security, and whatever security measures the government put in, to get in. It's a very strange story.

GLENN: Why did big tech take down DePape's alleged social accounts?

STU: This is the really frustrating part of this. Because, of course, every media source is trying to say this is some right-wing extremist, which does not fit the profile at all.

But like, we can't check any of their reporting.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: They pull this down every time, and I get why they do it with certain people. Like a mass shooter, that might have a manifesto that they don't want to inspire copycats, or whatever. But this is not that case.


STU: Why -- why wouldn't we be able to see all of his postings. This would be important.

GLENN: Yeah. It's really weird. It's really strange.

He is -- he apparently is far right. And this is what the LA Times is telling us. That he is a far right guy.

That is a fan of Glenn Beck.

STU: Everyone is reporting that.

GLENN: Daily Wire.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: I mean, thank you for that. I'm just trying to go through. Now, let me just go back to who he is.

Now, know that he is supposedly a fan of mine. Okay?

He was a nudist. I can see all the nudists just loving this program. He was a hippie. Love it.

He was in San Francisco.

Love it. Black Lives Matter supporter. Love it.

QAnon supporter. Hmm. You don't get a lot of QAnon News from this program, do you?

STU: No. You do not.

GLENN: No. No. He also apparently loved Pizzagate. You mean the thing that I said from the beginning was nonsense? Really? That thing? He was also -- and I mean if you listen to this program, you can see why he was a fan. He hated Jews. Now --

STU: That's weird, that he would be a fan of the person who won the --

GLENN: The defender of Israel award.

STU: It would be weird.

GLENN: It would be really strange.

STU: Weird coincidence.

GLENN: Because I've been talking about anti-Semitism on the right for 20 years. That would be really weird for him to be a big fan of the show.

STU: A big fan of the show? Maybe he was just inspired. Liked your really big event in Israel, about the defense of Israel.

GLENN: Maybe that's what it was.

STU: And the importance of God.

GLENN: Yeah. He also said that equity was a dog whistle for the genocide of the white race.


That's -- that's something that we also took on here recently. And said, that's ridiculous.

It's absolutely ridiculous.

STU: I think equity is a BS social justice sort of term.


STU: And we have pointed out issues with it.

But the genocide. Not a lot of airtime for the genocide of the white race, going on.

GLENN: Right. Right.

So you could see, we have a lot in common.

I could see why he was a fan of this program.

That doesn't really make sense, now, does it?

STU: No. And it would be nice to check the work of the media.

Because we know, they would not tell you the truth, if something else was going on. All right. More on this, in just a second.

JEFFY: American Financing. NMLS 182334.

GLENN: Every morning, after the full moon, the man who had been wolf man at night, would awake in his home. Surrounded by all the things that he had broken, in his dog-like frenzy. Naked as a jail bird. This part was especially disturbing to his neighbors, who frequently jogged by the open window, through which he escaped the night before. He thought to himself, jeez! Being the wolf man is getting expensive! Between making repairs to my house, and having to buy a new wardrobe all the time, I am beginning to regret that that old woman with the gold tooth put a curse on me, in the first place.

But, thankfully, even on Halloween, he knew exactly what to do.

He placed a call to American Financing to send them on the right path. In ten minutes, their salary-based mortgage consultants did a review of their finances, and began the process of getting them out of debt. You would be amazed what the interest rate on what a wolf man's credit card is nowadays. But they took care of it, with a consolidation loan, at a much lower interest rate.

For once, the wolf man was happy unhappy. Usually, he's just unhappy.

Unless he's feasting. He was happy, that he called American Financing, and hoped that it would remain that way.

Until the next full moon. Man, these are scary stories.

Ten-second station ID.


GLENN: Are you scared? Are you a little scared?

STU: That was terrifying, yeah. Really scary.

GLENN: What's going to happen in the third episode? What will happen to the wolf man, I don't know. I just don't know.

STU: I will be here to find out. I'm paid to. So I will be here to find out.


GLENN: It's going to be good.

STU: This is a weird story though. We don't want to jump to conclusions, right?

GLENN: No. And, you know what, here's what I really think happened.

I think, somehow or another, the security was turned off, which needs to be investigated.

But I think this guy is just crazy, crazy, crazy.

He broke in, started going after -- going after Paul. Paul went into the bathroom. And made the phone call. Spoke code, rightly so. To the police officers.

The dispatch was very sharp. Picked up on it. Made for a code red.

They got there. By the way, he's not in jail. Did you know that? Hippie boy. Not in jail.

He's still in the hospital.

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