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After the midterm elections, most Americans new there were changes coming to Congress. Over 100 women were sworn in to the 116th Congress, including women of color, and LBGTQ representatives. With new voices in Washington, it would be expected that new and different ideas would be expressed. However, no one was prepared for the ideas expressed by Freshman Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) the first two Muslim women to serve in Congress.
Both have been outspoken critics of President Donald Trump- Tlab was caught on film using an expletive while talking of impeaching The President and Omar recently drilled President Trump's envoy to Venezuela in a recent Congressional hearing. Though they have ruffled some feathers on both sides of the isle, it is important to have new, and strong, voices in the Chambers of Congress.
However, even the most seasoned Washington insiders were shocked at the recent words shared by Omar. After being threatened by Republican leader Kevin McCarthy over her criticism of Israel, Omar tweeted out that "It's all about the Benjamin's."
While we all get caught up in the political fallout it must be remembered that United States' relationship with Israel is extremely complex, and there might be something to be taken from her comments, no matter how incidary they may be.
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