Spring cleaning time is right around the corner! You know you want to make sure your roof looks great too!
Our friends at Wet and Forget can help with that!
You know what I always say, "wet it and forget it!". Keep your roof sparkling for a long time!
They have several different versions for the outdoors. They all work the same, but each are good for different applications.
Hose End- 2nd story and large surfaces; Concentrate- more controlled application – fencing and landscape borders; Ready to Use- quick application to small surfaces.
Our friends at Wet and Forget have a great shower and tub cleaner that's VERY easy to use.
Check out more when we talk to Wet and Forget Saturday starting at 10:30 am eastern.
If you miss the interview you can check out the podcast on the Iheart app. Just search, "At Home with Gary Sullivan"