Man Checking Mail Unleashes Swarm Of Angry Bees That Injured Ten People

Abejas fuera de la colmena

Photo: S.Norero Image / Moment / Getty Images

A swarm of bees attacked residents in Surprise, Arizona, injuring 10 people, including five children. Officials said that a man checking his mail unknowingly disturbed a beehive, prompting the bees to become aggressive. He was stung more than 50 times and was taken to the hospital due to a bee allergy.

Neighbors saw the man in distress and called 911. They then grabbed a hose and started spraying the man so the bees would leave him alone.

The bees then went on a rampage through the neighborhood, stinging nine others. Brothers Darren, 11, and Brady, 8, were riding their scooters when the bees attacked. Their father, Ryan Mitchell, told AZFamily that Darren received 11 stings, while Brady had 14, including one near his eye.

“It kept going on and on. It felt like you got stabbed by a needle,” Darren said. “It really hurt for an entire 10 minutes.”

Mitchell was also stung when he rushed to help his sons. Two other children who were riding their bikes were also stung.

Firefighters responded to the scene and placed the boys inside a fire engine to protect them from the swarm. In the process, four firefighters were also stung.

Officials contacted a local beekeeper, who arrived and was able to control the swarm.

Battalion Chief Larry Subervi of the City of Surprise Fire & Medical Department said that the other nine victims were not allergic to bee stings and did not require hospitalization. No information was provided about the condition of the man who was hospitalized.

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