Treviana SuttonPhoto: Courtesy Willoughby Police
UPDATE: As of August 6, Treviana is still missing. Willoughby Police are asking that this be re-posted.
(Willoughby) - Willoughby Police are asking for you to keep an eye out for 13-year-old Treviana M. Sutton. On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, Treviana was brought to an unspecified medical facility in Willoughby. She was las seen walking away toward Euclid Avenue and hasn't been seen since. Police say she is a habitual runaway from the Cleveland area. She may be in Cleveland or East Cleveland.
Treviana is 5'4", 130 pounds, and was last seen wearing a black t-shirt, black shorts, and purple Croc shoes.
Anyone with information can call their local police or Willoughby Police at 440-951-1234.
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