Democrat Politican Asked If He's 'Ready' To Replace Biden As Nominee

President Biden Delivers Remarks To The South Carolina Democratic Party

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Maryland Gov. Wes Moore attempted to downplay the idea of replacing President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee in the 2024 presidential election.

Moore, 45, appeared on FOX and Friends and was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about being mentioned "as a possible President Biden replacement should the wheels come off come the August [Democratic National] Convention."

"I am full-throated in my support of President Biden," Moore said (h/t the New York Post.)

“When I was first inaugurated, we were 43rd in unemployment, now we have amongst the lowest unemployment rates in the entire country. We’ve been able to slash the homicide rates and the violent crime rates," Moore said.

Moore added that he's worked in "partnership with the Biden administration" and was "excited" to potentially work with Biden, 81, for four more years.

“I think that President Biden is not just the nominee, President Biden is the best candidate for the presidency and that’s the reason I’m supporting him,” Moore said.

Moore, along with California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer have been mentioned as favorites in a scenario to replace Biden, if not run in the 2028 election. Biden is set to officially be renominated during a virtual roll call at some point prior to the August 7 deadline in order to be included on the Ohio ballot.

The Democratic National Convention is scheduled to be held in Chicago from August 19-22.

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