Photo: Scooter-WTAM
Bill-Mike Got Your Tech Tuesday Connected With Guardians Beat Padres7-4-Spring Game - Cavs Mavs Preview-Cavs Jim Chones - Spring Training Goodyear-Chris Antonetti-Bob DiBasio-Gavin Williams-Ramon Laurean0 - Terry Pluto-Guards-Cavs - ABC News Steve Roberts-Latest In Politics - House and Senate leaders will be at the White House Tuesday, trying to avoid a government shutdown, meantime some Republicans do not want to invite President Biden to give a State of the Union address this year-NBC Radio Rory O'Neill - Women outnumber men in most states, but in some parts of America they are still getting the short end of the stick-NBC Radio Erin Real-look at how YOUR state rates nationally in opportunities for females – and whether you are a woman, or have a daughter or wife, the results are fascinating.
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