Photo: RamonCarretero / iStock / Getty Images
Recently, I've been filming large female sharks in Southern California. While following these large sharks, I've documented a location that could unlock the biggest mystery of white shark research. It's is known that large adult white sharks tend to stay offshore in California while the juveniles hang out in near-shore waters. Lately, it's been the large females near shore I've been observing.
"Just a few minutes later, this little bitty thing comes up from that spot," he told CBS News, saying that at first they thought the roughly 5-foot-long nearly purely white animal may have been an albino shark. "...It was tiny – really, really small compared to all the other sharks."
Then he played back the video, and he noticed a white film sloughing off the shark as it swam.
"I think Phil's words were, 'Oh my God, I think that might be a newborn,'" he said. In a press release, he added, "There have been dead white sharks found inside deceased pregnant mothers. But nothing like this."
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