Photo: Brunner Sanden Deitrick Funeral Home & Cremation Center
(Mentor) - Funeral information has been released for the Mentor High School student who died Sunday. 17-year-old Jack Bennett Sawyer fought Ewing Sarcoma, a rare form of pediatric bone cancer, for 18 months before he passed.
Visitation will be this Friday November 10 from 3 to 7 P.M. at Mentor High School. Guests are asked to enter through the main Paradigm entrance on the east side of the Paradigm Building at the school. A funeral mass for Jack is Saturday November 11 at 10 A.M. at the Mentor Fine Arts Center. Following that, a procession will be held to take Jack to All Souls Cemetary in Chardon.
According to his obituary, Jack was known for his love of Cleveland sports teams, collecting sports cards and memorabilia and playing golf. He was said to have kept a positive attitude and inspired those around him throughout his battle with his cancer.
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