Kidney Transplant Is Shown On TV On This Date In 1975

Today in 1914, the first long-distance phone conversation took place thanks to the Boston-Washington underground cable.

Today in 1919, Congress established The Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. The Colorado River formed the gigantic gorge in the northwest corner of Arizona. One of the most spectacular natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon National Park covers 1,218,375 acres.

Today in 1952, Britain's Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced that Britain would test its own atomic bomb – and the following October, they did.

Today in 1975, the first televised kidney transplant took place on NBC’s “Today Show.” Intended to raise awareness of the plight of waiting kidney recipients, it did exactly that – by some estimates, 20-thousand people called in to NBC and offered to donate their kidney.

Today in 1984, Reverend Jesse Jackson acknowledged that he called New York City "Hymietown" – and apologized.

Today in 1987, Beatles music was first released on compact disc.

Today in 1993, six people were killed and more than a thousand injured in New York City when a van packed with a 1,210-pound bomb exploded in the parking garage underneath the World Trade Center. The explosion left a gigantic crater 200-feet wide and caused over $591-million in damage.

Today in 1994, a jury in San Antonio acquitted 11 followers of Branch Davidian leader David Koresh of murder over charges that they ambushed federal agents – five others were convicted of manslaughter. Federal agents had stormed the religious group’s compound and during the course of the 50-day siege that began on February 28th, 1993, 76 women and children – as well as Koresh – were killed.

Today in 2017, at the 89th Academy Awards: Best Picture went to "Moonlight" (after a mix-up), Damien Chazelle was named Best Director (for “La La Land”), Best Actor was Casey Affleck, and Emma Stone won in the Best Actress category.

Today in 2020, Saudi Arabia banned overseas pilgrims from accessing religious sites of Mecca and Medina for first time in living memory because of COVID-19 fears.


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