Augusta National Invites The Wrong Scott Stallings To Play In The Masters

Photo: Getty Images-iStock Unreleased

Georgia resident Scott Stallings says he arrived home recently to find a letter waiting for him; an invitation to participate in the Masters tournament in April. While being asked to play in the Masters is certainly an honor, there was only one problem with it: he's Scott Stallings the Realtor -- not Scott Stallings the golfer.

"I'm sure this is NOT for me," the Realtor wrote to his golfing counterpart on Instagram. "I play, but wow! Nowhere near your level."

Meanwhile, the pro golfer Stallings -- who lives in Hawaii -- says he's been "checking the mailbox five times a day" in hopes of receiving an invite for the first time since 2014. He says he initially thought the other Scott Stallings' message was a prank -- until he saw the attached photo of the letter. So far, Augusta National officials have not commented on the mishap.

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