Electricity customers can take simple electricity conservation steps such as:
- Setting thermostats lower than usual, if health permits
- Postponing use of major electric appliances such as stoves, dishwashers, and clothes dryers until other times.
- Turning off non-essential electric lights, equipment, and appliances.
Conserving electricity as much as possible between 4 a.m. on December 24, 2022, and 10 a.m. on December 25, 2022, will help ensure adequate power supplies. PJM continues to monitor the power supply conditions carefully.
PJM will do everything possible to keep power flowing in the region. If necessary, PJM may take additional steps, such as reducing voltage. PJM is coordinating efforts among generators, power suppliers, and local utilities. PJM is communicating about the situation with state government officials throughout the region.
Photo: www.pjm.com/library/~/media/about-pjm/pjm-zones.ashx
PJM Interconnection, founded in 1927, ensures the reliability of the high-voltage electric power system serving 65 million people in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia. PJM coordinates and directs the operation of the region’s transmission grid, which includes over 85,103 miles of transmission lines; administers a competitive wholesale electricity market; and plans regional transmission expansion improvements to maintain grid reliability and relieve congestion. PJM’s regional grid and market operations produce annual savings of $3.2 billion to $4 billion.
For the latest news about PJM, visit PJM Inside Lines at insidelines.pjm.com.
(Copyright 2022 iHeartMedia)
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