The Bill Of Rights Is Ratified On This Date In 1791

Today in 1791, the Bill of Rights was ratified in Virginia. The Bill of Rights is comprised of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Today in 1973, the American Psychiatric Association reversed its longstanding position and declared that homosexuality was not a mental illness.

Today in 1993, a judge in Colorado struck down the state's voter-approved Amendment Two prohibiting gay rights laws, calling it unconstitutional.

Today in 1995, President Clinton defied a deadline for turning over a former aide's Whitewater notes, prompting a deeply divided Senate investigative committee to vote to challenge him in federal court. The White House agreed six days later to turn over the notes.

Today in 1999, with President Clinton's close mediation, Syria reopened peace talks with Israel in Washington.

Today in 2015, school officials in Los Angeles closed 1,000 schools in after an email threat, supposedly from jihadists. New York City Schools received the same threat and stayed open…turned out, the threat was bogus.

Today in 2015, officials in Flint, Michigan declared state of emergency over lead-contaminated water amid calls for a criminal investigation.

Today in 2016, admitted White supremacist Dylann Roof was found guilty of the Charleston Church Massacre, which killed nine.

Today in 2017, Anita Hill was appointed to lead a Hollywood commission on sexual harassment, spearheaded by Kathleen Kennedy.

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