A wheel was missing from the Nissan pickup when it was found parked in the lot of the Double Tree Hotel. Photo: Photo courtesy of the Westlake Police Department
WESTLAKE, OH - On 11/12/22 at approx. 3:15AM officers stopped a vehicle on Crocker at Center Ridge Rd for an equipment violation. The driver did not have an identification card with him and was found to have a suspended license as well as active warrants through North Ridgeville and Parma PDs. Suspected marijuana was also located during the investigation. The 31yo Cleveland resident was cited with not having a driver’s license and minor misdemeanor possession of marijuana. The driver was then turned over to a North Ridgeville officer.
On 11/12/22 at about 6:30PM a worker in a building at Crocker and Detroit heard a loud crash on the street and saw a white truck sparking as it fled the scene. Officers arrived to find out it did not make it far. A wheel was missing from the Nissan pickup when it was found parked in the lot of the Double Tree Hotel. The operator had struck a fire hydrant and light pole after it went off the roadway. The operator was soon located inside the hotel. He reported that an animal ran out in front of him. He also admitted to having a few drinks at Crocker Park and was field tested. He was arrested for OVI while his rental vehicle was being towed away. The 37yo St. Paul, Minnesota resident was booked into the Westlake Jail where he took a breath test. He was found to be double the legal limit. The driver was charged with OVI as well as hit skip and having prohibited breath alcohol content. He was later released with a court date in Rocky River Municipal Court.
On 11/14/22 at approx. 3PM WPD received a call from Rally House at Crocker Park reporting a shoplifting incident. A male had walked out of the store with almost $1000 worth of Cavs and Browns merchandise. While the man was not in the area when officers arrived, an observant store worker spotted him as he walked into the Wendys at Crocker and Detroit Rds.Officers spoke with him there and recovered the stolen merchandise. The 61yo Cleveland resident was arrested and charged with misdemeanor theft. He also had warrants from Aurora, Beachwood and Westlake from prior thefts from stores.
On 11/15/22 at about 8:15PM a citizen came to WPD to report a fraud. The Westlake resident had received an unexpected phone call from a man who indicated he worked for the Amazon Fraud Department. The person told our victim that she had numerous compromised Amazon accounts. This included her associated bank accounts. The scammer indicated that the victim’s accounts had been used to purchase Apple products in New York. After being transferred several times to different people, the fraudsters talked the victim into buying thousands of dollars in Target gift cards to pay for remedy of all the identity fraud. The citizen had read the gift card numbers to the fake person who said they were from the “Alternate Dispute Resolution” center. Later, the victim felt suspicious of the transactions and contacted the real Amazon Customer Service to learn that it was all a scam.
On 11/16/22 WPD received several calls in the morning hours about unlocked vehicles which had been entered the previous night. Items stolen included purses, cash, credit cards and identification cards. The streets impacted were Cornerstone and Fitzroy. In an attempt to develop suspects, Westlake Detectives are in contact with neighboring cities who had vehicles stolen during the same night.
On 11/17/22 at about 12:00PM WPD received a call from Nordstrom Rack about a shoplifting. Loss prevention for the store had stopped a female as she walked out with a new coat without paying. Officers arrived and also noted that the 61yo Westlake resident appeared intoxicated. She admitted to taking “a few pills.” The clothing was returned to the store and the shoplifter was booked into the Westlake Jail where she was cited with misdemeanor theft and disorderly conduct while intoxicated.
On 11/17/22 officers responded to a report of a shoplifting in progress at Dicks Sporting Goods. The employees followed 2 females out of the store after they took security sensors off numerous clothing items, hid them in bookbags and walked out without paying. The 2 shoplifters were found to be juveniles from Lakewood. The clothing was returned to the store and the girls were transported to the Westlake station to await their parents. Stolen items from Claire’s was also found in their possession. Charges will be filed in Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court.
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