Photo: Getty Images-ALEX EDELMAN AFP
A New Orleans teen who works at McDonald's recently became the victim of a traumatic robbery -- and when she called to report it to 911, someone with a familiar voice answered the phone: her mother.
Tenia Hill, 16, made the call after she was held up at gunpoint and locked in a McDonald's freezer with a few other employees. "I was really scared because I would never imagined at my first job I would be getting robbed -- let alone having a gun pointed at me," Hill says. What Hill needed was the comforting voice of her mother to calm her down, she says. However, even though she knows her mom works as a 911 dispatcher, Hill didn't think there was a chance she would answer her call, she says. "Mama, please hurry up," the teen can be heard saying in a recording of the call. "She's got a gun."
Hill's mother, Terri Clark, says she did all she could to maintain her composure in the stressful situation. "I was in a state of shock," she says. "While I was taking the call, tears were coming down my face," she says. "I am still trying to do my job, and I did the job to the best of my ability."
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