Cedar Point's Top Thrill Dragster to remain closed for 2022 Season

( Sandusky, OH) - Cedar Point has announced that the Top Thrill Dragster rollercoaster is going to remain closed for the upcoming 2022 season. This comes after an accident near the ride last season caused serious injuries to a visitor.

The Department of Agriculture released their report on the incident this past Friday. After a 6-month investigation, there was not enough evidence to prove the amusement park violated any state laws.

The report did show that the ride had multiple loose bolts, as well as improper bolts in place at the time of the accident. A bracket came off the ride and struck a 44 year-old woman in the back of the head last August.

Cedar Point did acknowledge that they bypassed standard overhaul procedures for the ride in 2021, because it was seldom used in 2020 due to closures brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Department of Agriculture did provide a list of repair needed before Top Thrill can reopen.

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