This Day In History- The First Monte Carlo Car Rally Was Held

January 21st

Today in 1865,an oil well was drilled by torpedoes for the first time. Today, the practice would be referred to as fracking.

Today in 1908,the city of New York passed the Sullivan Ordinance, which made it a crime for women to smoke in public. The punishment for being caught included fines from $5 to $25, and 10 days in jail.

Today in 1911,the first Monte Carlo car rally was held.

Today in 1950,Alger Hiss, a former adviser to U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, was convicted of perjury for denying contactswith a Soviet agent and was sentenced to five years in prison.

Today in 1970,thefirst commercial flight of the Boeing 747 was madebetween New York and London after a 6 1/2 hour delay.

Today in 1977, President Jimmy Carter pardoned American Vietnam War draft evaders.

Today in 1979, the Pittsburgh Steelers became the first team to win three Super Bowls. They defeated the Dallas Cowboys, 35 to 31.

Today in 1982,Ozzy Osbourne was hospitalized after biting the head off a bat thrown at him by an audience member. After getting a rabies shot, Osbourne said he thought it was a plastic bat.

Today in 1990, John McEnroe became the first player kicked out of the Australian Open. He was tossed from the match for misconduct after throwing his racket. His temper tantrum cost him $6,500 in fines.

Today in 1994,a jury found Lorena Bobbitt not guilty of cutting off her husband’s penis, by reason of insanity.

Today in 1998, President Clinton denied reports he'd had an affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky and that he had tried to get her to lie about it. A few days latercame his infamous – and very angry – denial to a group of reporters.

Today in 2003,the U.S. Census Bureau announced that the Hispanic population had passed the Black population for the first time in history.

Today in 2008, Black Monday slammed worldwide stock markets. FTSE 100 had its biggest ever one-day points fall, European stocks closed with their worst result since 9/11, and Asian stocks drop as much as 15%.

Today in 2017,more than two-million people protested worldwide in the 'Women's March' against Donald Trump, with 500,000 marching in Washington D.C. alone.

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