Denzel Ward Spoke After the Game 10-17-21

On the officiating in today’s game and if there may have been retaliation from last week:

“I do not think they were retaliating, but I did not agree with the calls that they made. At the end of the day, we have to find a way to overcome it and find a way to win.”

On what the defense needs to fix to eliminate the touchdown passes:

“It is all communication. Everybody needs to echo the calls out and make sure we are on the same page.”

On refocusing after two defensive pass interference calls in one drive:

“You have to have a short memory. I feel like I did my job. I was shutting my man down, but it was put in the refs hands. They made some calls that went the offense’s way, but you just have to play the next play.”

On what needs to be fixed with the defense’s lack of communication:

“We have to go back and watch film to see what it is that we have to correct. Communication wise, we have to be on the same page. We will see this week once we watch film so we can be better for this upcoming week.”

On the injuries impacting the team performance:

“We all have played together ever since camp. We had rotations and everybody was playing with each other. It is communication, and we all have to be on the same page. We have to spread the call across the field and execute our assignments.”

On RB Kareem Hunt’s injury:

“Injuries are tough, and I am definitely praying for Kareem. We need him. He is a great player. Injuries are never good for the game, and we are looking to when he can get back and healthy. I wish him the best, and (QB) Baker (Mayfield) to get healthy, as well.”

On what makes Cardinals QB Kyler Murray special:

“He is able to extend plays. Besides being able to throw the ball and make every throw on the field, he is able to extend plays and run out of the pocket while still finding his guys down the field. He is a dual-threat quarterback, and he played a good game. He got his playmakers the ball, and shout out to them. They played a great game.”

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