Browns RB Nick Chubb is Motivated to Play Chiefs Again

On how he used last year’s performance against the Chiefs as motivation:

“I just held onto the feeling of how I felt, and the team did the same thing after that game. We knew how we felt. We did not want to experience it anymore. Overall, just a great learning experience for us, and we learned from it.”

On if it is a benefit to face the Chiefs in Week 1 when the team is fresh and healthy:

“They are pretty fresh, too, I guess. It works in both sides’ favor, but we just have to go out there and have to play as a team and play together.”

On if there is a moment or play that stood out most to him from the AFC Divisional Round loss to the Chiefs:

“Not really. Just overall not winning the game.”

On if he agrees with QB Baker Mayfield that he has become more of a vocal leader:

“I do not know if I agree with that (laughter). Maybe I have. Just naturally, I do not know.”

On if anything has changed for him since signing his three-year extension with the Browns:

“I do not think so. I think it is pretty much all the same. I am keeping my head down and not really making it a big difference on myself.”

On if he learned anything about himself after doing commercials:

“Not really. I do not really like it, but I signed up for it so I have to do it. It is fun when I get there and get going. It is just part of it off of the field.”

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