Ohio Man Attempts To Avoid Ticket, Calls 911 To Report Fake Shooting Nearby

Emergency and urgency, 911 dialed on smartphone screen. Shallow depth of field.

Photo: Getty Images

Police say an Ohio man tried to steer officers away from a traffic stop in a Walmart parking lot by placing “a fake 911 call."

The driver is accused of reporting a shooting that didn't happen.

Now, the Cleveland Heights man is charged with making false alarms.

South Euclid police pulled over Muhammad Kabir, 34, outside the Walmart Supercenter on Warrensville Center Road. It happened the evening of July 3, the incident report shows.

According to the South Euclid Police Department:

“During the traffic stop, the male called in a fake 911 call of a male being shot on Ellison Rd., to deter officers from the traffic stop.”

But officials managed to “ping the caller of the 911 call back to Walmart. The phone number of the 911 caller matched the male that was on the traffic stop.”

The Smoking Gun, which shared the South Euclid Police Department report, states that Kabir was arraigned in the South Euclid Municipal Court on Tuesday (July 6). The outlet states that Kabir is also charged with traffic violations after he was caught driving with a suspended license in a car with expired plates, and having a 2-year-old not properly restrained in a safety seat.

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