Orangutan Born At Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

(Cleveland) - A male orangutan has been born at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, and today he will be available for public viewing at the zoo's Rain Forest. The little guy was gorn on April 28th

The public has a chance to name the baby orangutan. You can cast votes online, and you can also make donations in support of orangutan conservation. The names being considered are Halim, meaning "gentle," Rimba, meaning "jungle," and Zaki, meaning "pure."

The baby is with his mother, Kera Wak. Similar to humans, orangutan offspring are completely dependent on their mother for the first few years of life.

Bornean orangutans are listed as critically endangered. Orangutan population numbers have decreased by more than 50% in just 15 years primarily due to the deforestation of their habitat for agricultural uses.

Photo Courtesy Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

(Copyright 2021, iHeartMedia)

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