Cleveland City Council To Allow Public Comment

(Cleveland) - It will soon be possible to do something at a Cleveland City Council meeting that hasn't been possible in almost a hundred years. That is, for members of the public to speak at a council meeting.

Council said Monday it would allow a change in its policies, and there will be up to a half-hour at the start of each Cleveland City Council meeting for public comment. The proposed plan calls for allowing 2-3 minutes per speaker. Speakers would have to sign up in advance. Speakers would go on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The change came about, in part, because many cities of similar size have allowed public comment at their council meetings. The last time Cleveland allowed comment at council meetings was in the 1920s, when Cleveland still had a city manager form of government. Cleveland City Council has allowed people to speak at committee meetings, but only at the discretion of the committee chair.

(Photo by Ken Robinson, WTAM)

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