Baldwin Wallace Poll Says Most Mayoral Candidates Are Not Known By Voters

(Cleveland) - A new survey by Baldwin Wallace University says most of the candidates for mayor of Cleveland have a lot of work to do when it comes to getting votes, and financial support.

BW's poll asked likely Cleveland voters which candidates they are familiar with. There are about a dozen declared candidates, and a few who have indicated they may run. The candidate with the most name recognition is former Mayor Dennis Kucinich, who is raising money for a possible run for the position he held in 1978 and 1979. Also high on the list of familiarity, either "very" or "somewhat," are former Councilman Zack Reed, councilman Basheer Jones, and Council Preident Kevin Kelley. Others ranked anywhere from 66 to 91 percent in "not familiar at all."

Kucinich and Jones also ranked the highest in the question of a voter's first choice for mayor.

The same survey also asked people's perceptions about the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. A ,majority of respondents said their impession of the district's quality was fair or poor.

(Copyright 2021, iHeartMedia)

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