Rocky River Parents Want Answers & Justice for Their Children

Parents Protesting at Rocky River BOE

Cleveland, OH - Parents of Rocky River students braved the cold, Thursday, outside the Board of Education building off Detroit Road, in protest for their voices to be heard. Their wishes were granted, when Rocky River Superintendent, Michael Shoaf, came outside of the Board of Education in support of the parents, students and the entire district.

The Board of Education met at 4 p.m. Thursday in an executive session, reportedly to talk about the six teachers that are now on leave for allegedly taking part in a virtual session in which inappropriate comments were made about a female student. The agenda said the board will "discuss personnel, investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee or official.

Superintendent Shoaf let the parents know that a thorough investigation will take place. He said once the investigation is complete, he will take appropriate action and then send the information to the Ohio Department of Education for an independent review. Shoaf said, "As a parent with a child in the high school of this district, I am very concerned. I want to do everything we can to protect the students. We're working on a plan right now to help students, to help staff, to help parents. We all need to heal."

April Larow, who has children in the district, set up the protest that took place before the board meeting. She said she was very happy that the superintendent came outside to speak to them. With regards to the potential outcomes of the investigation, Larow said, " I don't want to speak for everyone here, but I personally believe those two men and the one in question need to be terminated. I can't speak for all six teachers, but the discussions they had and the picture they at least thought they received was very inappropriate and they do not belong in a building with our kids."

Since the meeting was an executive session, the public was not allowed to attend. Superintendent Shoaf said no answers or decisions were going to be made at the meeting.

The six teachers from Rocky River High School are on administrative leave from their jobs. Rocky River Police, after saying they wouldn't file charges, have again taken up the case, saying there's new information that wasn't available before.

(Copyright 2021, iHeartmedia)

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