Joy-Anna Duggar Gets Shamed Over Innocent Parenting Post

If you're on social media then you've seen someone post photos of their kids. More often than not, the pictures are of the tiny tots looking adorable, but occasionally they will show some of the less attractive sides of parenthood - a pic of a child crying or a selfie after another sleepless night because of a restless baby. Well Joy-Anna Duggar, star of Counting On and19 Kids and Counting, did just that.

The mother of four-month-old Evelyn and two-year-old Gideon took to Instagram to share a photo that illustrates what it's like to be a mom. The pic looks like it was taken in the aisle of a grocery store as there are long shelves of food. but the floor is an absolute mess with spilled oats, ground coffee, popcorn and a kid's balance bike. It turns out it's not a supermarket at all, rather Joy-Anna's parent's iconic pantry, and the mess is courtesy of little Gideon.

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar, Joy-Anna's mom and dad, as well as the parents to 18 other kids, keep a huge pantry to store the food for their enormous family, and Gideon got into it. Joy-Anna captioned the pic, "From the evidence left behind and only one toddler in the house. We came to the conclusion that Gideon was the culprit. It helped that he was covered with sugar and coffee grounds (and left his bike). #IPromiseIWatchMyKids Sorry, Momma @DuggarFam about your pantry! 😂"

Plenty of Joy-Anna's fans found it funny, with one writing, "I thought this was the aftermath of an earthquake!"

However, there were a lot of followers who took the opportunity to shame the 23-year-old mother. One asked, "Do you even watch your son?" while another stated, "Not funny. Hope he got disciplined somehow." Another person suggested, "Next time shut the pantry door, he is too little to reach the handle." And one especially insensitive follower wrote, "He looks like the most devious Duggar grandchild. If I had to pick the child that doesn't do stuff like that it would be [Jessa Duggar's son] Spurgeon. He is so angelic. If I had to pick a child that a demon, lol, it'd be Gideon. He even looks like he would be a bad kid."

The shaming likely won't stop Joy-Anna from posting more, and you can follow her here.

Photo: Getty Images

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