You May Be Stuck At Home To Watch Browns Playoff Game

(Cleveland) - If you want to watch Sunday night's Browns-Steelers Wild Card Playoff game, you'd be best off at home, or at a friend's house.

Watching the whole game at a bar is out of the question, given the state's 10 p.m. curfew during the pandemic. The governor's office says that granting a waiver for that night to bars and restaurants it very unlikely. Same for when Ohio State takes on Alabama in the national championship game the next night.

If you want to see the game in person at Heinz Field, you need to make friends with a Steelers player or staff member. While Ohio is allowing 12,000 fans to see Browns and Bengals games during the pandemic, the state of Pennsylvania is much more restrictive. That state is allowing no more than family and friends of players and coaches to sit in the stands. The Steelers are reportedly asking for a waiver, but they actually started the season in Pittsburgh with nobody in the stands at all, meaning the state will budge a little, but not a lot.

(Photo by Justin K. Aller, Getty Images)

(Copyright 2021, iHeartMedia)

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