Schools Torn Between Letter Grades And Pass/Fail

(Cleveland) - With much of this semester for school in Ohio being taught virtually, there's one final problem for school administrators. Do they do letter grades, or Pass/Fail?

Some states have gone to statewide Pass/Fail, but Ohio is leaving it up to administrators in each of the state's 611 school districts. If they do Pass/Fail, students are wondering how it will affect their grade point average.

In Columbus, they originally said Pass wouldn't affect a student's GPA, leaving some to ask on social media, why bother doing classwork. The Columbus Dispatch reports the state's largest school district is now giving students the option of choosing Pass/Fail or a letter grade. Some districts are telling students that Pass will give them a point score of 4.0 for that class.

The Cleveland Metropolitan Schools won't be giving grades for this semester.

Chad Aldis, of the conservative education-policy group Thomas B. Fordham Institute, says if the pandemic affects the 2020-21 school year, school administrators need to have plans to make sure students are learning.

(Photo by Tom Moore/WTAM 1100)

(Copyright 2020, iHeartMedia)

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