This Day In History- Department Of Health Education And Welfare Was Created

April 11th

Today in 1865,a few days after the Civil War officially ended, President Abraham Lincoln gave an impassioned speech about rebuilding the South. It turned out to be his last – he was shot three days later.

Today in 1953,the Department of Health Education and Welfare was created.

Today in 1965, America was stunned by the “Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak”as 40 tornadoes struck the Midwest killing more than 270, injuring more than one-thousand – and causing more than $5-billion in damage.

Today in 1966,Emmett L. Ashford debuted in Major League Baseball as the first African American ump in the majors.

Today in 1968,one week after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1968.

Today in 1970,Apollo 13 blasted off on a mission to the moon that was disrupted when an explosion crippled the spacecraft. The astronauts managed to return safely.

Today in 1974,the Judiciary committee subpoenaed President Richard Nixon to produce tapes for impeachment inquiry.His response was given in an address to the nation.

Today in 1976,the Apple I was created –it was first demonstrated the following July.

Today in 1980,the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission announced that it would regulate sexual harassment. Specifically, that sexual harassment was covered by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Today in 1981,President Reagan returned to the White House after being in the hospital for 12 days following the attempt on his life.

Today in 1984,it was announced that the first baby produced from a frozen embryo was delivered by Cesarean section in Melbourne, Australia.

Today in 1984,Challenger astronauts completed the first “in space” satellite repair.

Today in 1990,funeral services were held in Indianapolis for HIV/AIDS activist Ryan White, who had died three days earlier at age 18. He was eulogized by First Lady Barbara Bush, and the even included a performance from Elton John.

Today in 1993,50 prisoners rioted at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville, Ohio. In the ten days that followed, prisoners cited grievances related to prison conditions, as well as the forced vaccination of Nation of Islam prisoners (for tuberculosis) against their religious beliefs.

Today in 1994,President Clinton paid $14,615 in back taxes and interest on profits from the First Lady’s land deal that had not originally been claimed.

Today in 1996,seven-year-old Jessica Dubroff was killed with her father and flight instructor when her plane crashed after takeoff from Cheyenne, Wyoming. Jessica had hoped to become the youngest person to fly cross-country.

Today in 2014,Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inducted the 2014 class: Peter Gabriel, Hall & Oates, KISS, Nirvana, Linda Ronstadt, and Cat Stevens.

Today in 2015,President Barack Obama and Raul Castro met in Panama, the first meeting of US and Cuban heads of state since the Cuban Revolution.

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