Governor Mike DeWine Issues a “Stay at Home” Order for all Ohioans

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Governor Mike DeWine issued a “stay at home” order for all Ohioans on Sunday that goes into effect Monday, March 23 at 11:59 p.m. and remains in effect until April 6. The situation will be reevaluated at that point.

The order requires that all Ohioans remain at home in effort to prevent further spread of the coronavirus.

“It should not be business as usual,” said Dr. Amy Acton with the Ohio Department of Health. “This is not a joke. It is not a drill. We must limit exposure. This will help save lives. This is the time that you will see quiet descend on our country — as it should — so we can protect those who protect us.”

Some basic information includes:

Health and safety: You are still able to leave the house to pick up medical supplies or medications, as well as see a doctor. You can also take a family member to do so if they are unable to go by themselves.

Necessary supplies and services: You can leave home to pick up, or deliver, goods and services deemed essential, such as groceries and food; car parts; household cleaning supplies and equipment needed in order to work from home.

Outdoor activity: Gov. DeWine strongly encouraged Ohioans to still get out and exercise - walk the dog around the block or through a park; ride a bike or take a hike, for example - as long as social distancing measures are heeded. However, letting children play at playgrounds is no longer permitted.

Certain jobs: Ohioans can still leave the house to go to jobs at businesses that have been deemed essential, such as a hospital or grocery store, for example.

Taking care of others: DeWine emphasized this point strongly during the press conference, telling Ohioans it is still perfectly OK to leave home to take care of a neighbor, parent or child in need.


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