Drug that could kill COVID-19 being tested in Cleveland at UH

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(Cleveland) - There is no drug that has been proven to kill the COVID-19 coronavirus, but a lot are being tested. One of those drugs is being tested in Cleveland at University Hospitals. Dr. Daniel Simon, UH's Chief Clinical and Scientific Officer, says the drug is called remdesivir.

The drug has been used successfully on patients with Ebola, and it has worked on animals.

Dr. Simon says there will be two clinical trials of remdesivir. One will focus on patients with moderate illness, and the other will focus on patients with more severe illness, who are likely in the intensive care unit.

University Hospitals will submit their findings to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which will make the decision on what drugs, if any, will be prescribed to coronavirus patients.

-Tom Moore/ WTAM 1100 News

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