CLEVELAND — The city of Cleveland has passed an ordinance to decriminalize the low-level possession of marijuana. The ordinance, first proposed earlier this month, was approved during Monday's council meeting.
The ordinance eliminates fines and jail time for possession of up to 200 grams, or just over 7 ounces, of marijuana. While marijuana is still illegal in Ohio, outside of medical reasons, the ordinance would also mean minor misdemeanor convictions would not carry a criminal record. to reportable on applications for employment.
Currently under state law, possession of up to 100 grams of marijuana carries a maximum fine of $150. Possession of 100-200 grams of marijuana is punishable by up to 30 days in jail, and a $250 fine.
Cleveland now join cities like Columbus, Toledo, Dayton, and Cincinnati, which have passed similar laws that decriminalize marijuana possession.