Bay Village Police Blotter: Officers Work In Out Of State Fraud Scam

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On June 24, at 2:57am a Bay Village Police Officer stopped what appeared to be two males riding their bicycles in the dark street without the proper safety equipment. Officers stopped the two Bay Village males. They discovered that one of the males was 16 years old and that one was 22 years old. The 22 year old was placed under arrest for Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, but decided to flee from officers on foot. While running, the male dropped over $700 in cash and drugs onto the ground. After a short chase, he was apprehended. The 16 year old male was also found to have tried to discard marijuana. The minor was charged with Curfew and Possession of Marijuana. The adult was charged with Tampering with Evidence, Felony Possession of Drugs, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, Resisting Arrest, Obstruction of Official Business and Escape. He will face these charges in the Cuyahoga County Court.

On May 28, Bay Village Police took a Fraud report from an elderly female resident who had fallen victim to the “Grand Parent” Scam. This scam involves a con-artist who calls pretending to be law enforcement. They tell the victim that their grandchild is in trouble (arrested) and needs bond money etc. to be released. If this works, the perpetrator will call back and demand more money for a different reason. Unfortunately, this victim sent over $20,000 to try and help her grandson before seeking help from local police.

After an investigation, Bay Village Detectives, working with authorities in New York and with Homeland Security were able to make an arrest of male in Nassau County, New York. The case is still pending and it is unknown how much restitution will be made. In all, these scams are a multi-billion dollar industry for organized crime.

Bay Village Police encourage residents, especially the elderly, to report all instances of fraud or attempted fraud. Further, never give out personal information to anyone over the phone or internet unless it is a trusted source.

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