'Little People, Big World' Star Opens Up About Her Marriage Troubles

No marriage is perfect and all of them take work. It's a lesson that Audrey Roloff is well aware of. In September of 2014, she and her Little People, Big World co-star, Jeremy Roloff, got married. Since then, it hasn't been smooth sailing and in a new Instagram post, Audrey opened up about some of their struggles.

She opened her caption with a warning that a "vulnerable post" followed, then she stated,

⁣"To be honest, the last few weeks have been hard on our marriage. We have been working through some things and let’s just say there has been a lot of ‘heated fellowship,' morning hugs missed, and date nights postponed. We are overworked and exhausted from the pace we’ve been running for too long. We know we need to slow down, but as Dallas Willard puts it, 'We intend what is right, but we avoid the life that would make it a reality.' Instead, we keep running, keep pushing, keep producing and keep squeezing all the margin out of our lives. It's robbing our joy, stealing our peace, and hindering our ability to love."

The mother of nearly two-year-old daughter Ember Jean goes on to reveal that Instagram doesn't tell the whole story and anyone who sees hers and thinks "they must just have it all together" is very wrong. In fact, the photo accompanying her statement is of her and Jeremy smiling but she confesses she was crying minutes after it was taken.

Audrey explains, "We fight, struggle, cry, and face challenges just like anyone. I’m saying this here because if you look at my Instagram feed from the past 3 weeks you don’t see the long tearful conversations, the hurtful remarks, the compiling complaints, the critical spirits, the prideful inner dialogue, or our unloving and disrespectful attitudes. You don’t see the full picture.⁣"

She urges her fans not to believe everything they see online since "we all have a messy behind the scenes reality." Audrey states, "So friend, if you’re comparing your life, marriage, kids, house, job, body, etc. to what you see on Instagram, remember it’s NOT the full picture. And I just want to remind ya, you are enough. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. And you are loved."

Jeremy And Audrey Roloff Celebrate New Book "A Love Letter Life"

Jeremy and Audrey will have more time with each other - he recently announced that after 14 years and 300 episodes, this 17th season of Little People, Big World would be the last for him as well as his wife and daughter. Audrey echoed his sentiments in an Instagram post of her own:

Catch the latest from Little People, Big World here.

Photo: TLC, Getty Images

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