Ohio City Swat Standoff Ends With Arrrest

Cleveland - A four-plus hour standoff in Cleveland's Ohio City neighborhood has led to one arrest and many questions.

Officers say they arrived at the apartment off West 26th street a little before 2 am Wednesday morning for a reported noise complaint. A Hispanic woman then answered the door, did not co-operate with police, then went upstairs and according to officers "tapped a gun against the window and fired several shots inside the home".

Swat was immediately called in as the woman had barricaded herself inside, then hung a Donald Trump banner from outside her window. Police say they heard at least six pops go off inside the apartment, but were waiting on a search warrant to go inside and make sure it was in fact gunshots.

John, a neighbor and friend of the woman who was eventually arrested, says there was no gun. "I've talked to all the neighbors down the street, and not one says they heard a gunshot. They were flashing their lights on her window, so she tapped it with her ring, and they thought it was a gun."

The woman did come out peacefully after crisis team members talked with her for the majority of the standoff. Charges are pending.

Photos by: Kyle Cornell / WTAM 1100

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