Cleveland City Council Sets Guidelines for Honorary Naming of Streets

Cleveland - City Council has adopted a new policy that sets guidelines for naming streets in honor of an individual or organization.

Individuals and organizations to be considered should:

·Have made significant contributions in arts, science, religion, entertainment philanthropic, or business; or

·Have generously volunteered time and effort for the betterment of the city, state or nation; or

·Have served with distinction in the United States armed forces or community safety forces.

An individual must be deceased for at least two years or be retired at least 10 years from a distinguished career, accomplishment or contribution that has had a major impact or is occurring on the community, city or region.

Organizations should be in operation in Cleveland for at least 25 years and should be of major importance to the city. A street receiving an honorary designation must be located in the sponsoring council member’s ward and the honorary street cannot exceed one block. The designation will expire in 10 years.

Each member of City Council may designate two honorary street names during a four year term. For residential streets, anyone requesting a street renaming must submit petitions that have signatures of 70 percent of the property owners on the street agreeable to the change. 

The process allows four to six weeks for the council Street Naming Committee to review the request. If approved, the full Council would pass legislation giving the honorarysecondary street name.

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