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This country is changing every day. As the days add up into years, the United States looks very different from what it was even 25 years ago. The days of a whitewashed Washington are reserved for the history books. Women, minorities, and non-Christian religions gaining a voice that used to be reserved for white men.
While this diversity can only help, it does not come without some growing pains.
As the United States learns more about itself, women like Rashida Talib, Ilhan Omar, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can help educate and inform a country trying to find a new identity.
However, as this country continues to find a new normal, we cannot be afraid to ask questions. Conservative pundit Jeanie Pirro made headlines last week asking about Rep. Omar's Muslim heritage.
After public outcry, and sponsors threatened to take their business elsewhere, Fox News temporarily benched the former prosecutor from her on air duties. While her questions about Sharia Law seem insensitive in today's political climate, they should still be aloud to be asked. The only way for the uneducated to become educated is to ask questions.
Hopefully her comments will not cost Pirro her job at the cable news network, but Americans should take this situation as learning experience. As women like Omar, Talib, and Ocasio-Cortez are finding their way in Washington, it is imperative for this ever-changing country to learn about new cultures and religions. But, for people who are truly trying to understand the new normal, the rest of the country has to show some patience as this country changes.
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