Armed Robber Hits Hanna Store Near Downtown

(Cleveland) - Cleveland Division of Police are asking: Do you know this man?

An employee of the Hanna Convenience Store on 2015 East 14th street in Cleveland, was robbed Wednesday, not to mention the store's cash register. That store is near Playhouse Square.

The 68-year-old victim told police the man stayed at the back of the store until a female customer left, then pointed a handgun at the man, demanding both the contents of the cash register, the victim's wallet, and the victim's driver's license.

The victim refused to hand over the ID, but gave up 200 dollars of his own money, along with about 1000 dollars from the cash register.

If you have information about the man in the photo above, please call Cleveland Division of Police.

Photo: Cleveland Police

Copyright: IHeartMedia, 2019

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