
Buffalo Wild Wings Super Bowl Overtime Special

Cleveland - Buffalo Wild Wings trying to ruffle a few feathers with their Super Bowl special overtime deal.

If the Rams and Patriots go into overtime on Sunday, February 3rd, Buffalo Wild Wings will give everyone in America a free, snack-sized order of wings. In case you're not well-versed in BW3 portion sizes, that means five wings.

You can get the wings traditional or boneless style, but you do have to wait a few weeks. The promo will run February 18 from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. local time. You don't have to buy anything else to claim an order, but you do have to dine-in. The promo is good for one free order per customer.

According to the chain, an astounding 14 million traditional and boneless wings were sold on last year's game day.

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